Tuesday, May 29, 2007

From the Tip Line: OKPNS Editor Christopher Arps a Deadbeat Dad

OKPNS Editor Christopher Arps is a Class D Felon deadbeat dad in his original home state of Missouri.

Check out this site --


And enter either the MO Dept. of Corrections offender number -- 1057434 -- or the name fields with Christopher Arps.

Under active offense, see nonpayment of child support for six months in a 12 month period, a Class D felony in MO. http://www.moga.mo.gov/statutes/C500-599/5680000040.HTM

Arps' status as a Class D felon was confirmed by the MO Department of Corrections on Tuesday, May 29. The phone number for Probation and Parole in Missouri is (573) 751-8488. The felon status was issued in the St. Louis Circuit Court -- Case Number 97FC8842. St. Louis Circuit Court does not allow viewing of Family Court Documents on-line, but the entire case file and/or the seven pages of minutes can be ordered through the Records department at (314) 615-8029 -- ask for "Court Records." The minutes of the case lists the dates of garnishments, contempt of court issuances, and a full listing of all non-support rulings against Arps.

"Always seems funny to me [that] those that don't want things to get negative are those that have something to hide" -- Class D Felon Deadbeat Dad Christopher Arps.